
lördag 22 maj 2010

Grillning på balkongen i finvädret

Lax och sparris grillade vi!

Yes, it´s oranges.
...and strawberries

9 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Oj vad gott och mysigt det såg ut..själv har jag inte ens hunnit få ut trädgårdsmöblerna, måste olja in altanen först..
Är det ett mandarinträd eller ?


Cecilia Malmgren sa...

Apelsin är det, de blir så små i vårat klimat :)

le petit orange

Anonym sa...

Look To Have Been very good weather ... though I Thought där strawberries now Out of Season Already! :)

Cecilia Malmgren sa...

Well, the little oranges found the climate in our apartement very delightful, we put them outside last week :)

Strawberries aren´t in season quite yet, june-july is strawberry season. I´m longing...

Anonym sa...

I've got a plant which makes even smaller oranges then those. Just around 1in and one gets to eat them with the skin!

As for strawberries, depends when you get the sunny period because they need a lot of warmth to grow. In the UK i heard they sold giant strawberries, 3 times bigger than the normal. I wonder if they lose their taste when they get too big. :)

Cecilia Malmgren sa...

They´re probably gene modified and taste like water :)

Anonym sa...

Probably they are! All the summer fruits that you find in winters at a supermarket taste like, wait a sec, they don't have a taste!

Here's a link to the little orange tree:

Cecilia Malmgren sa...

Aha, I think thet´re called kumquats those tiny oranges...

Anonym sa...

Yes! Kumquats, now i remember. They're tasty and a good alternative to less healthy snacks, with the added bonus of them being very decorative all year round. Can't leave them out in the cold though!