
tisdag 23 mars 2010

Mångfald av kurser

Jag funderar också på att läsa en sommarkurs på distans för att dryga ut kassan, så jag slipper jobba ihjäl mig i sommar.

Här är några jag kan välja bland:

Djurparksdjurens beteende
Chick lit
God Bless America. Kristendomens utveckling i USA från George Washington till Barack Obama.
Harry Potter och hans världar
Astrid Lindgrens författarskap
"Ich bin ein Berliner" - Berlin, framväxten av en modern metropol
Havskajak - ledarskap och riskbedömning

Jag vet dock inte om jag gillar idén att betala skatt för somliga kurser i det stora utbudet... jag menar ska universiteten verkligen tillhandahålla kurser i chic lit!? Ja, ja, det är ju bra att det finns variation i alla fall...

8 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

You should choose the 3rd & 8th options! Sound fun.

Cecilia Malmgren sa...

Hmm.. Berlin or soccer..? :) I decided now for some courses in creative writing, might be interesting!

Anonym sa...

no, Soccer and Havskajak, or whatever that is... :)

As for creaive writing, what did you have in mind?

Who knows, maybe this could turn out to be the next Avatar! :p

Anonym sa...

Låter som intressant.

Cecilia Malmgren sa...

As for the writing I just want to get started writing and maybe it will give me something useful, ideas or whatever. If it gets me started writing that´s something good :)

Anonym sa...

hmmm...let me see... should it be a happy story or a sad, love story or sci-fi? how about something like this... guy/girl from 2010ends up during a past world war, like the feudal chinese/japanese era, finds her/himself in the middle of a hot dispute and accidentally wins this particular battle by doing something that was not intended, sort of accidentally! Guy/girl lead from other world falls or is curious about this 'strange' foreigner who just jumps in and together they go through different battles. in the end, they have to choose if 2010 lead returns to today's world alone, stays there or come together! You can twist it as you want, depends what your sense of humor is! :)

Cecilia Malmgren sa...

Ok, that´s an interesting idea! Thank you :)

Anonym sa...

Most welcome!

Kram! :)